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Herding Dog Group

Theresa is a tenured PuppySpot employee and breed expert. She is currently the manager of our Profile Approval department and interacts with our breeders daily. Theresa has been involved in the pet industry for over 20 years and has hands-on experience with many dog breeds. Theresa is also the proud pet parent of Marta, a German Shepherd Dog who is a trained service dog, a miniature Labradoodle named Eleanor, and her tuxedo cat Bonnie!

When the American Kennel Club (AKC) introduces a new breed to their lineup, they will be assigned a designated group in which they are shown. The Herding Group is where you will find dogs of all shapes and sizes that were bred to herd and protect livestock. However, while many herding breeds have similar attributes, you’ll find that no two herding dogs are exactly alike. Some were bred to move large cattle while others were developed to move flocks. Others were developed to work in pastures while others originated in harsh climates with rocky terrain.

All herding dogs are meant to be highly focused, intelligent, fast, agile, and obedient. They need to have the ability to train easily and move quickly to keep up with farm living. Throughout their development, they have gained the instinctual ability to move farm animals from one place to another.

Even though the herding instincts run deep in these breeds they are so much more. Many of these breeds have also been employed in military and police work or as service dogs. However, probably their most important role is a family companion. While an energetic herding dog comes with a strong work ethic, you’ll find under all of that fluff is a dog that is affectionate, devoted, and often gentle with children (though they might try to herd them).

The AKC currently recognizes thirty-three purebred dogs in the Herding Group with a few others that have entered their Foundation Stock Services (FSS). Here is a look at some of the most popular herding breeds.

Australian Cattle Dog


  • Is a medium-sized herding dog with an average weight of 35-50 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-16 years
  • Also known as the Blue Heeler or Red Heeler
  • Is related to the Dingo which is an ancient and protected wild dog of Australia
  • The ACD is an agile and muscular dog that was bred to control and move livestock
  • The ACD is a smart, alert, and highly driven working dog that is not suitable for every home or a first-time dog owner.

Browse available Australian Cattle Dog puppies for sale

Australian Shepherd

  • Is a medium-sized herding dog that weighs between 40-65 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-15 years
  • Is related to the Pyrenean Shepherd, Collie, and the Border Collie
  • While they may be referred to as an “Aussie” their development can be traced back to California where they were bred to be a tough ranch dog.
  • A condition known as Heterochromia is common in the Aussie breed. This means they can have two different colored eyes, typically brown and blue. In some cases, the eye can have a marbled appearance of both colors.
  • They are a smart and playful breed that does well in a family setting. However, if you have young children, you might just catch your Aussie herding them around the home.

Browse available Australian Shepherd puppies for sale

Bearded Collie

  • Is a medium-sized herding dog with an average weight of 45-55 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years
  • Is affectionately referred to as a “Beardie” due to it’s long and shaggy double coat
  • This charming herding dog of Scotland loved to play outdoors no matter the weather and is also quite vocal.
  • A well-socialized Beardie is friendly and affectionate with children, strangers, and other dogs.

Browse available Bearded Collie puppies for sale

Belgian Malinois

  • Is a medium to large-sized herding dog with an average weight of 40-80 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 14-16 years
  • This versatile and highly driven working dog excels at livestock herding, police, and military work. At a US military museum in Fayetteville, North Carolina you can find a statue of a Malinois as a memorial for military K-9s.
  • They are often mistaken for the ever-popular German Shepherd Dog due to similarities in appearance. However, the Malinois has a smaller, sleeker, and square-shaped body with a shorter coat. Their faces are also slenderer and more pointed with triangle-shaped ears that sit higher on their head.   
  • The Malinois is not recommended for first-time dog owners or families with young kids. They form a tight and unbreakable bond with their human which makes them susceptible to separation anxiety if left too often.

Browse available Belgian Malinois puppies for sale

Belgian Sheepdog

  • Is a medium to large-sized herding dog with an average weight of 45-75 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years
  • While the Belgian can come in a variety of colors, their preferred and most common color is black.
  • The elegant coat and proud appearance of the Belgian Sheepdog is emphasized by their long and abundant collarette and hindquarters.
  • The Belgian is a highly trainable and versatile breed that is eager to work.
  • The Belgian is a sensitive breed that forms strong bonds and thrives on human companionship. This breed would not do well in a home where they are constantly being left alone.

Browse available Belgian Sheepdog puppies for sale

Belgian Tervuren

  • Is a medium to large-sized herding and guard dog with an average weight of 45-75 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years
  • The Tervuren elegant coat has a profuse collarette and headquarters.
  • Tervurens are known for being intelligent, driven, and a bit mischievous. They enjoy being challenged and will often try to outwit their human.

Browse available Belgian Tervuren puppies for sale

Berger Picard

  • Is a medium to large-sized herding and athletic breed that weighs between 50-70 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-13 years
  • The Berger Picard (pronounced bare-zhay-pee-carr) is believed to be one of the oldest herding breeds from France.
  • The Picard is easy to train as they are eager to please and intelligent. However, they can be independent and stubborn, so proper socialization and praise during training will reinforce good behavior.
  • The Picard’s coat is considered low maintenance. They require brushing once a month and sometimes more frequently during shedding season and the occasional bath when needed.

Browse available Berger Picard puppies for sale

Border Collie

  • Is a medium-sized herding and athletic breed that weighs between 30-55 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-15 years
  • The Border Collie has been tested and is recognized as the smartest breed in the canine world
  • The Border Collie is highly adaptable, affectionate, and playful
  • All modern-day Border Collies can be traced back to a dog named “Old Hemp” who lived from 1893-1901. His temperament and unique style of herding are what inspired him to become the foundation sire for the breed. It is said that he was already herding sheep when he was a wee six-week-old puppy.
  • Border Collies are renowned for being the ultimate herding breed. Not only are they intelligent and have an insatiable work drive, but their herding technique allows them to move livestock with great precision. They have a space between their shoulder blades which allows them to stay crouched, low to the ground, and move stealthily with catlike moves. 

Browse available Border Collie puppies for sale

Bouvier des Flandres

  • Is a large-sized watchdog and herding breed that weighs between 70-100 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 10-12 years
  • While the Bouvier has a strong work ethic, they are also sweet, playful, intelligent, and protective.  
  • Bouvier’s tails are docked but they can also be born with a bobtail or tailless. Their ears can also be cropped or left natural.
  • The Bouvier is a versatile breed that is brawny, muscular, and athletic. Their coat is considered weatherproof and their large head often sports beard and mustache.
  • The Bouvier can take on just about any task you want to teach them. They were originally developed as herders and livestock guardians but also worked the farm by pulling carts and even churning butter.
  • Since WWI, the breed started being used in military and police dog service. It is thanks to the Belgian army that the breed survived the war.

Browse available Bouvier des Flandres puppies for sale

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

  • Is a medium-sized herding breed that weighs between 25-38 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-15 years
  • The Cardigan is playful, affectionate, and is also very vocal
  • The Corgi first arrived in Wales in 1200 BC. The Cardigan was named for the town of Cardiganshire, Wales where they were developed for the past 3,000 years to aid in herding livestock.
  • The Corgi can attribute its short legs and elongated body to the same lines the Dachshund originated from. Their height allowed them to successfully herd cattle by nipping at their heel and their short stature often prevented them from being kicked.
  • While the Cardigan is older than the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, they were originally bred together. It wasn’t until 1934 that they were officially declared a separate breed.
  • The Cardigan is heavier and has a slightly different body structure, rounder ears, and a long fluffy tail.

Browse available Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppies for sale

Catahoula Leopard Dog

  • Is a medium to large-sized breed that weighs between 50-95 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 10-14 years
  • When early explorers started arriving on the shores of North America, they were introduced to a native breed of dog that was domesticated by Native Americans. Spanish explorers started breeding them with Mastiffs, Bloodhounds, and Greyhounds. Hounds would later be added by the French. The end result is the breed we all know as the Catahoula Leopard Dog.
  •  While the Catahoula (Pronunciation - Cat-a-who-la) has been the state dog of Louisiana since 1979, it wasn’t until 1996 that AKC recorded them in Foundation Stock Service (FSS). The breed is still waiting to become an official member of the Herding Group.
  • The loyal but independent Catahoula is a versatile canine developed to be a herder, watchdog, guardian, tree dog, and bay dog. They also make great companion dogs.
  • The Catahoula is a high-endurance breed that is swift and agile. The breed has recently been competing in Canadian sled races.

Browse available Catahoula Leopard Dog puppies for sale


  • Is a medium to large-sized breed that weighs between 50-75 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years
  • The Collie has two coat-type varieties: Rough and Smooth
  • The Collie originated in the highlands of Scotland where they were used to herd and guide livestock to market. They were also employed in water rescue and flock guardians.
  • The Collie is not only elegant in appearance but also friendly, affectionate, highly intelligent, and good with children.
  • Any purebred Collie could win the “Shining Star Award” from the Collie Club of America. To be eligible, a Collie must work in the following fields: Service Dog, Search and Rescue, Therapy or Comfort Dog, Education/Library Dog, or has acted in a manner that protected their family or community from harm. See the CCA for more information.

Browse available Collie puppies for sale

Dutch Shepherd 

  • Is a medium to large-sized herding breed that weighs between 42-75 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 11-14 years
  • The Dutch Shepherd originated in rural areas of the Netherlands during the 18th century. The breed was officially recorded in 2012 into the AKC’s Foundation Stock Services.
  • While the Dutch Shepherd may have some similar physical attributes to the German Shepherd, they are easily distinguished by the various coat shades of brindle or yellow.
  • The Dutch Shepherd comes in three coat types: long, short, and rough-haired
  • The Dutch Shepherd is an energetic breed with a lively and independent nature. They have a high work drive and enjoy competitive dog sports.
  • While the Dutch Shepherd is always ready to be on the move, they are not all work and no play. They’re also loyal and loveable family companions who enjoy playtime and the company of older children.

Browse available Dutch Shepherd puppies for sale

English Shepherd

  • Is a medium-sized herding breed that weighs between 35-65 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 10-14 years
  • English Shepherds originated in America from English and Scottish shepherd-type breeds and were first recognized by the UKC in 1927. The breed has yet to enter into AKC’s Foundation Stock Services.
  • The English Shepherd is referred to as a “loose-eyed” herder. They are bred to be easygoing, level-headed workers who can also guard livestock, hunt vermin, and help with farm chores.
  • Like many herding breeds, the English Shepherd has high stamina and excels in agility, flyball, tracking, and obedience.

Browse available English Shepherd puppies for sale

Entlebucher Mountain Dog

  • Is a medium-sized breed that weighs between 40-65 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 11-13 years
  • The Entlebucher (ENT-leh-boo-cur) is also known as the “Laughing Dog” due to their work enthusiasm and their ability to move cattle up a mountain.
  • The Entle is the smallest and the fastest of the four Swiss Alpine breeds.
  • Due to their work herding cattle up and down mountains, they developed great balance and are exceptionally agile.
  • The Entle also worked as livestock guardians by protecting their droves from predators or wandering off.

Browse available Entlebucher Mountain Dog puppies for sale

German Shepherd Dog

  • Is a large-sized herding breed that weighs between 50-90 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years
  • Considered to be the finest and most versatile working breed. Originally bred to herd livestock, the GSD also excels as guardians, military and police K-9s, search and rescue, service and therapy, and are just a great family-friendly breed.
  • The GSD is a steadfast and courageous breed that takes its role as a protector seriously.
  • While a well-socialized GSD can be social and friendly when meeting new people, they often act aloof towards new people.  
  • The GSD is a high-energy and protective breed they are also playful, affectionate, and gentle with both children and other pets.  

Browse available German Shepherd Dog puppies for sale

Miniature American Shepherd

  • Is a small to medium-sized herding breed that weighs between 20-40 pounds
  • Average life expectancy of 12-13 years
  • The breed was first known as the Miniature Australian Shepherd. Their name was changed to the Miniature American Sheperd in 2011 when they entered the Foundation Stock Service (FSS) with the AKC. However, most other pedigree companies continue to register them under the Miniature or Toy Australian Shepherd name.  
  • While they may seem like a new breed, they have been in development since the 1960s when a smaller Australian Shepherd was discovered working the rodeo circuit.
  • The Miniature American Shepherd is a devoted and highly motivated breed that is clever, athletic, and versatile.
  • The Miniature American Shepherd is an affectionate and playful companion that is great with children and other dogs.
  • Just like the Aussie, the Mini American is also prone to Heterochromia. This is a condition where a dog can have two different colored eyes, or an eye can have a marbled appearance of two colors.

Browse available Miniature American Shepherd puppies for sale

Norwegian Buhund

  • Is a medium-sized herding and guardian breed that weighs between 26-40 pounds
  • Average life expectancy of 12-13 years
  • While they are considered confident and independent, they are also affectionate, bright, and loyal to a fault.
  • They come in only two colors: Wheaten (a variety of fawn/pale yellow) and Black
  • The Buhund is an old breed that can be traced back to the age of the Vikings. While they might have crossed seas with the Vikings, they prefer to stay home working on a farm. Their name comes from the Norwegian word 'bu', meaning 'homestead' or 'farm.'
  • The Norwegian Buhund is part of the Spitz family which includes breeds like the Akita, Pomeranian, Siberian Husky, and many more. Spitz breeds were developed to adapt to climates where the winters are fridged and harsh.

Browse available Norwegian Buhund puppies for sale

Old English Sheepdog

  • Is a large-sized herding and drover breed that weighs between 60-100 pounds
  • Average life expectancy of 10-12 years
  • The Old English Sheepdog is a muscular and big-boned herding dog known for its profuse double-coat and shaggy appearance.
  • While the OES has a very distinct gait which should appear as a bear-like shuffle, they are considered nimble and coordinated in their movement.
  • The OES is an affection and gentle breed that enjoys playing with children.
  • The OES is a kind and intelligent breed who is also an alert and courageous watchdog.

Browse available Old English Sheepdog puppies for sale

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  • Is a medium-sized herding breed that weighs between 28-30 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-13 years
  • The PWC is known for its merry, loveable, and agreeable temperament.
  • A Pembroke puppy can be born with a natural bobtail while some do require breed standard docking.
  • While the Pembroke is the youngest version of the Corgi breed, it wasn’t until 1934 that they were separated from the Cardigan and classified as its own breed.
  • Out of the two Corgi varieties, the Pembroke is the more popular breed.
  • Though short in stature, the Pembroke is fast, agile, and muscular. They were built for a hard day of work herding cows and their height protects them from being kicked by cattle.  

Browse available Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies for sale


  • Is a small to medium-sized herding breed that weighs between 22-29 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-13 years
  • As with most Hungarian breeds the plural version of Pumi (POO-mee) ends with a ‘K’ (Pumik)
  • The Pumi is a low-shedding breed that is known for its corkscrewed curly coat.
  • The Pumi is renowned for its whimsical appearance which includes tipped semi-erect ears, a full circled tail, and dark expressive eyes.
  • The Pumi is a nimble, energetic, and fearless dog that can move sheep and flocks down narrow passes.

Browse available Pumi puppies for sale

Shetland Sheepdog

  • Is a small-sized herding breed that weighs between 15-25 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years
  • The Sheltie hails from the Shetland Islands which are the most northern and remote islands of Scotland where they were originally called Toonie Dogs. Their compact size was a benefit to farmers who needed small herding dogs that could withstand cold temperatures, move across rocky terrain, and consume less food when compared to their larger canine cousins.
  • This clever dog is easy to train as they are quick, obedient, and energetic. The Sheltie often excels in herding, obedience, and agility competitions.
  • The affectionate and sensitive Sheltie is known for being able to sense the mood around them. They are highly alert and in tune with their human’s emotions.

Browse available Shetland Sheepdog puppies for sale

Swedish Vallhund

  • Is a small to medium-sized herding breed that weighs between 20-35 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 12-15 years
  • The Vallhund is an ancient Viking dog and is an original species.
  • The Vallhund’s appearance is referred to as “no-frill”. This breed was built to be sturdy, compact, and low to the ground.
  • The Vallhund is a cheerful and loveable breed that playful and great around children.

Browse available Swedish Vallhund puppies for sale

White Swiss Shepherd

  • Is a large-sized herding breed that weighs between 55-88 pounds
  • Has an average life expectancy of 10-14 years
  • White Swiss Shepherd's origins start in the German state of Thuringia. They are related to the same foundation breed that produced the German Shepherd dog. They were later imported to Switzerland in the early 1970s where a male dog named “Lobo” became the foundation sire for the breed. The breed was recognized in 1999 but the United Kennel Club (UKC) but has yet to enter into AKC’s Foundation Stock Services.
  • The WSS is a powerful breed with erect ears and an all-while double coat that requires regular brushing.
  • The WSS is a joyful breed with a lively and balanced temperament. They are not considered to be an aggressive breed unless provoked.
  • The WSS is known for being an attentive and devoted family member who is easy to train and adaptable to social situations.
  • The WSS loves to work and enjoys competing in dog sports.

 Browse available White Swiss Shepherd puppies for sale

While our above list doesn't feature every herding breed, below are a few other herders to consider : 

  • Beauceron
  • Belgian Laekenois
  • Bergamasco Sheepdog
  • Briard
  • Canaan Dog
  • Finnish Lapphund
  • Icelandic Sheepdog
  • Lancashire Heeler
  • Mudi
  • Polish Lowland Sheepdog
  • Puli
  • Pyrenean Shepherd
  • Spanish Water Dog

If you’re looking for the perfect herding puppy to add to your family, browse our available puppies for sale or contact us today!

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